The Lilium Xtract adventure began in 2017 in the south of France, with a team composed of cannabis enthusiasts, who came together for the love of the plant and its smells. Any cannabis enthusiast knows that the fragrance of the plant is one of the first factors of satisfaction. It is therefore natural that our research and development process focused on terpenes.

Lilium Xtract is the number one terpene wholesaler in Europe. We also benefit from an international influence. We started from a simple observation: CBD flowers imported into Europe undergo a process that reduces the THC in order to comply with current legislation, and this process strongly impacts the taste and smell of CBD. Lilium Xtract therefore comes to give back its authenticity to CBD by allowing to restore the taste and the smell of the flowers thanks to our terpenes.

The partners we work with are major players in the European market of CBD and its derivatives. Because we strongly believe that terpenes can also have a use beyond the world of CBD and its derivatives, we also develop products with partners around the world in the field of perfumery, cosmetology and well-being.

we lead the expansion


Our vision :

We popularize the smell and effects of cannabis terpenes internationally to promote the well-being that this plant can bring to human beings.

Our missions :

We innovate in the field of terpenes and push back the standards of quality, to allow the implementation of these in sectors such as perfumery, cosmetology, food and well-being.
We are bringing CBD flowers and CBD derivatives back to life, restoring the authentic and natural smell of cannabis with our terpenes.

Our core values :

The respect of scientific processes and quality controls to certify an irreproachable product.
The valorization of a creative approach in the implementation of new products.
The gathering around the love for the cannabis plant, particularly the terpenes, and their effects on the human well-being.